By Mark Taliano
When we play their game, we will always lose, and they will always win. “They” are the largely unelected “Permanent State”, sometimes called the “Deep State”. “They” are the publicly bailed-out transnational, corporate monopolies and their political fronts that destroy domestic and foreign economies with their supranational “trade” agreements, their parasitical “neoliberal”, publicly bailed-out “privatization” schemes, their permanent warmaking, and their terrorism.
A large part of their game is indoctrination. They are experts at war propaganda. They can make broad-based domestic audiences believe almost anything. And they are doing it now. They have largely succeeded in fabricating Canadian consent to support ISIS and al Qaeda and affiliated terrorists.
We must break free from their words, their stories, their criminal war propaganda. Nomenclature is important.
The pre-planned NATO war of aggression against Syria is not a “civil war”. The term “civil war” connotes a false equivalency between both sides, an internal conflict. It is a war lie. The terrorists are Western -supported, they are al Qaeda and ISIS, the Syrian people overwhelmingly reject them. The elected Syrian government is legitimate, the terrorists are not.
Similarly, the notion that the war is a “revolution” is a lie. Western-supported terrorists displaced peaceful demonstrations, murdering government security personnel and others. It was an “intelligence” operation. Weapons and terrorists came from Libya and beyond.
It was never an “intervention”. Intervention is a sanitized word that camouflages the anti-humanitarian reality which is that Empire and its proxies mass murder children, women, and men. Empire’s sectarian terrorists mass murder Syrians, Empires bombs mass murder Syrians, and Empire’s economic warfare mass murders Syrians. The intent is there. Have we forgotten Madeline Albright and the mass murdering sanctions imposed on Iraq? “We think the price is worth it,” she said.
Even the term “proxy war” is misleading. There is no equivalency between the warring sides. Syria and its allies are fighting a just war, self-defense, all within the framework of international law. The other side consists of al Qaeda, criminal occupiers. No equivalency.
“Moderate” terrorists never existed. Think about that one. It’s true.
The anti-democratic SDF/YPG/PKK/Rebadged ISIS are not “militias”. The term “militia” connotes a legitimacy. They are criminal occupiers, Empire’s stooges, terrorists, resource thieves. They are not “legitimate opposition”.
If everyone told the truth, more people would understand. If we all used the same truthful nomenclature/word choice, just like all mainstream media uses the same lying nomenclature, then the people’s resistance would be a powerful humanitarian intervention. A reality-based “intervention” that actually supports rather than destroys humanity.
The original source of this article is Global Research