New York City authorities estimate $3.5 billion will be spent by the end of 2020 in the effort to fight the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Mayor Bill de Blasio said in a press briefing on Monday.
“We estimate by the end of this calendar year, the city of New York will spend $3.5 billion to save lives and protect people in the city,” de Blasio said.
De Blasio criticized President Donald Trump for remaining “silent” regarding the budget crisis New York City faces and said without adequate federal assistance the city will not be able to recover and provide public services.
“The one thing that I’ve asked the president for lately that should be the easiest part of the equation is to help New York City through this crisis. Give us the financial support to make us whole,” de Blasio said.
Earlier in the month, de Blasio estimated that New York City will lose $7.4 billion in tax revenue because of the COVID-19 pandemic.