Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that justice will prevail both in the Ukrainian conflict and in the Middle East.
“We have talked about the fact that both in the case of Ukraine and in the Middle East there is a tendency when the US considers itself entitled to usurp, monopolize any foreign policy processes, as a result of which it brings devastation, undermines statehood, as it happened with the same Libya, causing hundreds of thousands of civilian casualties, decline in the socio-economic sphere and huge flows of refugees to this or that region. <…> In this sense, the nature of what is happening now in the Middle East and what is happening in Ukraine is similar,” he said at a press conference following the Russian-Arab Cooperation Forum.
“Both here and there, we are convinced that justice will prevail,” Lavrov added.
According to the top Russian diplomat, the purpose of the numerous adventures staged by the United States is “to put in its place, as they believe, those states whose governments dare to pursue independent policies in their national interests.”
source: TASS