The map with the Economic Exclusive Zone (EEZ) boundaries agreed by Turkey and Libya is today being made public by a senior Turkish Foreign Ministry official via his twitter account.
Chagatay Ertziges, deputy director of the Turkish Foreign Ministry’s Directorate-General for Bilateral Political Affairs and Maritime-Aviation-Border, gave a map depicting the point they agreed to declare EEZ between Turkey and Libya right next to Crete.
From point A to B are the boundaries of the Turkish continental shelf between Turkey and the pseudo-state Muslim Brotherhood government in Libya, based on the illegal agreement signed in 2011.
The CDE is the intermediate line between the two mainland countries of Turkey and Egypt. There is no agreement here, but Turkey only puts forward its claims in the event of negotiations with Egypt.
And the EF point is the boundaries reached by Turkey and Libya in 2019, east and south of Crete.
A senior Turkish official, Tsagatay Ertziges, even asked his followers on twitter if the deal included only this point and how the boundary line did not go down south of Crete, as other maps showed.
Statements for Haftar:
The Turks are in panic as they see something moving in Greece’s relations with Haftar. A few days ago there was a meeting of a Greek delegation with the Officer who asked for the Ankara-Tripoli Agreement to be canceled.
What the Media Says:
According to Yenisafask , Haftar’s forces, which are in opposition to the official government in Tripoli, signed an agreement in Athens with the Greek LEEAD Consulting Company in October to take over the rebuilding of Benghazi, Libya’s second largest city, controlled by Libya. Haftar troops.
The plan is named “The Basel Plan for General Urban Development of Benghazi” and, according to “Yeni Safak”, citing the website “Al Marsad”, the meeting between the Greek company and Libya was also attended by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikos Dendias, as well as Athens Mayor Costas Bakoyannis.
At the meeting, Costas Bakoyannis said Athens is ready for the resumption of the Greek consulate in Benghazi and the two cities’ aviation and maritime re-connection. The meeting was also attended by representatives of companies working with the Greek airport on communications and digital technology.
“Greece, which could not digest the agreement (with Libya), after the latest developments called on the president of the so-called Haftar government in Tobruk in Athens and threatened to expel the ambassador of the National Reconciliation Government,” the Turkish-Cypriot newspaper said.
Greek Professor’s warning:
Professor of Economics and Geopolitical Theory of the University of Athens Ioannis Mazis, speaking in the program “Alpha” Municipality of Verkio, characterized the situation in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Aegean after the recent Turkish challenges as being “almost at war.”
“No matter how painful it sounds, the situation with Turkey is almost at war. They claim direct territories of Greece, maritime zones raw, and even on the basis of international law.”
“As strange as it may seem, a number of terrestrial masses, such as the Dodecanese, Crete, are ignored…,” he added.
“In any interpretation, it is a war situation,” he stressed.
As he said, Libya is not a country but a “place” and added: “The drama from a legal point of view is that the Libyan government is internationally recognized, although it was not elected by the people or sworn in by any parliament.”
He described the Libyan government as “embarrassed” and criticized Greece’s handling: “The problem we have is that we put our heads in the sand and do not see reality. It was a tactic we followed from the Turkish invasion and occupation of Northern Cyprus until today.”
He spoke of a “calming policy”, which he described as “incorrect”: “Here’s what he did. It is a wrong policy. There is also the policy of deterrence, a process that has phases, “pointing out that it is different when” the opposite party finds that you have a deterrent policy and you make it public.”
“When one talks about co-exploitation with prior resolution of maritime zones, I can hear it…,” he added.
Commenting on the statements Dendia, who called on Libya’s ambassador to Athens to come to an agreement, “otherwise he will be deported,” he said: “Call on the Turk, too. Libya’s did not sign it himself.”
You cannot just call Libya’s for explanations, why did the Greek Foreign Minister leave the Turkish untouched?