According to the New York Times, The US has entered the fourth or fifth wave of the pandemic. As vaccination lags and the Delta variant form is spreading, the largest number of infections and hospitalizations since last winter is on the horizon. The deaths of COVID-19 are also at a steady tilt.
In the United States, scientists examine the experience of the UK and India to better understand the reason why the Delta variant spreads again; they anticipate the forthcoming scenarios in the United States.
In the UK, daily cases fell from 60,000 in mid-July to half that number within two weeks, although the number has risen again since then.
In India, infections fell dramatically in June after hitting at least 400,000 cases per day this spring.
An epidemiologist in New York said it was important to not over-extend the path of the delta variant through the UK and India. The three countries vary in the proportion of the population that has been vaccinated, the ages of the vaccinators, the embrace of large gatherings and open schools, the prevalence of wearing masks, and other precautions.
The course of the delta variant outbreak across the United States also depended heavily on vaccination rates. India may need to rely on natural immunity because only 9 percent of its population is fully vaccinated. One expert cautioned that the point at which infection stabilizes still depends largely on how and where people mingle, as well as on the season.