Russia poses no danger to those countries from which it faces no threat, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters, rejecting concerns recently voiced by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban as unfounded.
“We don’t see eye to eye on everything with Mr. Orban. However, contrary to what EU officials have been persistently saying, Russia poses no threat to the countries that aren’t hostile towards Russia and don’t seek to become an anti-Russia entity. That said, concerns about that are unfounded,” the Kremlin spokesman noted, commenting on Orban’s remark that Hungary would not want to share a border with Russia.
However, Peskov pointed out that Russia seeks to safeguard its own national security.
According to the Index news website, the Hungarian prime minister said earlier that a situation where his country did not share a border with Russia would be in its best security interests as “it has bad memories of the time when this was the case.”
source: TASS