Israel Establishes De Facto Authority in Southern Syria
After occupying the buffer zone in southern Syria, including strategic cities, towns, and hills, and after penetrating into the rural areas of Daraa, controlling the Yarmouk Basin, and securing sources of fresh water, Israeli occupation forces have begun to assert themselves as a “de facto
authority.” They have opened several centers, with one notable center in the Al-Baath
municipality building in Quneitra, for receiving local dignitaries and establishing broader
communication channels with the local population. In this context, civilian sources in western
rural Daraa told “Al-Akhbar” that, following several protests against the Israeli presence, and in an
attempt to circumvent demands for withdrawal, the occupation authorities have instructed locals
to return to work in the fields and farms, promising not to harm anyone, after residents
complained about damage to their farms due to the ongoing Israeli blockade. However, Israeli
forces continue house raids and searches for individuals they claim are part of the resistance.
Alongside the ongoing military campaign, heavy Israeli machinery is engaged in leveling
operations on several hills, erecting earthen barriers, installing surveillance cameras, and spy
and communication devices, laying the groundwork for future control over the area, either
through direct presence or by placing the population under constant surveillance, conditions
likened by one resident to those in the West Bank. Despite Israeli assurances not to harm the
residents “if they follow orders and adhere to curfews and surrender weapons and wanted
individuals,” as conveyed by Israeli officers, there’s been continuous displacement from villages
and towns in the Yarmouk Basin in western rural Daraa out of fear of arrests or harassment by
Israeli forces.
Meanwhile, the systematic destruction of homes and buildings in southern Syria, which has
escalated significantly over the past two days, has raised numerous concerns about potential
expansion in the absence of any international forces and the failure of political efforts to restrain
the occupation. Civilian sources in Quneitra report that enemy forces have demolished several
houses in Al-Rafeid village, along with some surrounding small farms, razed lands and orchards,
and uprooted trees around homes, noting that the inhabitants of this village and its surroundings
are farmers with no prior involvement in political or military activities, according to the sources.
Since the fall of Bashar al-Assad’s regime, Israeli forces have penetrated deep into Syrian
territory, controlling large areas along the separation line, extending over twenty square
kilometers in some regions, including the strategic Mount Hermon peak, while international
peacekeeping forces remain absent from the scene. The authorities currently controlling
Damascus have distanced themselves from the situation in the south, citing the country’s
inability to handle new wars, relying instead on political solutions that have not yet succeeded in curbing the occupation.
International Coalition Commander: We Couldn’t Maneuver Due to Russia and Iran’s Presence in Syria