Elon Musk Reveals Details on Tesla Cybertruck Explosion at Trump Hotel
Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, has suggested that the explosion of a Tesla Cybertruck in front of the
Trump Hotel in Las Vegas on Wednesday might have been an act of terrorism. In a post on his
official X account, Musk stated, “It appears likely to be an act of terrorism.”
He further clarified that the explosion was caused by “very large fireworks and/or a bomb placed
in the bed of the rented Cybertruck,” emphasizing that the incident was “unrelated to the vehicle
itself. All vehicle telemetry was positive at the time of the explosion.”
Musk concluded his post by noting that both the Tesla Cybertruck involved in the Las Vegas
incident and the “suicide bomb” used in the New Orleans attack were rented from Turo,
suggesting there might be a connection between the two events.
The Las Vegas police confirmed that a Cybertruck exploded outside the Trump Hotel early
Wednesday morning, resulting in one death and injuring seven others with minor injuries. Las
Vegas Police Chief Kevin McMahill, during a press conference, mentioned, “There is one person
dead inside the Cybertruck, along with seven others suffering minor injuries.”
According to the Police Chief,
The electric vehicle had pulled up to the glass entrance of Trump International Hotel before a
significant explosion occurred. Video footage captured the stainless steel truck parked at the
hotel’s entrance, erupting in flames followed by smaller explosions resembling fireworks.

In his press conference, Chief McMahill referenced the New Orleans attack but did not explicitly
link the two incidents, stating that Las Vegas authorities were “taking all the precautions we need
to keep our community safe.”
In Washington
The White House announced that President Joe Biden had been briefed on the explosion and had
instructed his team to offer any necessary federal assistance.