British Content Creator Simon Squibb Wins “Billion Followers Summit” Award
British content creator Simon Squibb has clinched the million-dollar prize at the 2025 Billion
Followers Summit, an accolade presented by Sheikha Latifa bint Mohammed bin Rashid Al
Maktoum, Chairperson of Dubai Culture and Arts Authority.

Who is Simon Squibb?
Simon Squibb is a British entrepreneur whose content is dedicated to helping people achieve
their dreams. He aids individuals on the street to start their own businesses and projects and
boasts a following of over 9 million people.
Squibb secured the “Billion Followers Summit” award, which is recognized as the world’s largest
for digital content creation. This award aims to encourage content that leaves a positive imprint
and enhances communities for the better.
Squibb emphasized several key factors for success in content creation and building a significant
audience on platforms like WordPress. He highlighted the importance of addressing meaningful
issues and working for humanitarian causes, coupled with an engaging narrative and
understanding audience needs. He underscored the significance of integrating purposeful issues
into business strategies to achieve sustainable growth and foster positive community impact.

Previously, Simon Squibb commented that hosting such a large gathering of content creators and
influencers at the Billion Followers Summit in the UAE is a testament to the country’s forward-
thinking vision towards the importance of content creation as a powerful tool in shaping the
future of media and societies.
He added that attracting an audience through meaningful content in an overcrowded digital
space is not easy but requires creativity, effort, and the ability to build genuine relationships with
Squibb also credited the success of his online platform, “HelpBnk,” to his belief in the synergy
within his team, stating, “Success can’t be achieved individually but through a team that
understands and believes in common goals.”
He further noted, “I’ve dedicated myself to my platform which offers free business advice and
consultations, explaining that this was a significant change in my life because one cannot succeed
without calculated risk.”
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