CIA Unveils Secret Book on Unconventional Theory About the End of the World
More than fifty years after being classified as a secret document by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the book “The Story of Adam and Eve” by Chan Thomas has revealed a provocative theory about the end of the world.
This book, first published in 1966, had its confidentiality partially lifted in 2013 but remained out of the spotlight until it was recently brought back into the light.
The Theory of Recurring Catastrophes
In his book, Chan Thomas proposes that Earth experiences massive disasters, akin to the Great Flood, every 6500 years, with the next disaster looming. According to the theory, a sudden shift in Earth’s magnetic field could lead to a series of devastating events including earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions, radically altering the planet’s landscape.
Thomas envisions a catastrophic scenario beginning with tsunami waves engulfing major cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco, followed by massive earthquakes causing fissures that allow magma to reach the surface.
The book further suggests that no continent would be immune to this destruction, with profound changes making the Bay of Bengal the new North Pole and the Pacific Ocean the new South Pole.
Scientific Community’s Reaction
Despite the dramatic nature of Thomas’s theory, the scientific community is skeptical. Martin Mlynczak, a senior scientist at NASA’s research center, described the theory as “completely unscientific.”
Mlynczak affirmed that while Earth’s magnetic field has shifted in the geological past, these shifts have not led to the comprehensive destruction suggested in the book. He explained that these shifts occur gradually, with the magnetic field weakening but not disappearing, thus continuing to protect Earth from solar radiation and charged particles.
He also noted that any disaster of such magnitude would have left clear evidence in geological records, which is not the case.
The Great Flood: Between Religious Texts and Science
Regarding Thomas’s reference to the Great Flood, scientists acknowledge geological evidence that supports a significant flood event thousands of years ago, but pinpointing its exact timing remains contentious. While the book claims it occurred 6500 years ago, some experts believe it might have happened between 4000 and 5000 years ago, based on available evidence.
This exploration into a declassified CIA document not only sparks curiosity but also invites a deeper inquiry into how we understand and interpret both ancient texts and scientific data regarding the cataclysmic potential of our planet.
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